
Genesis is a three-chamber, innovative window and door system designed for construction of doors and windows with increased thermal insulation.

Discover the advantages of the Imperial system

  • Thermal parameters meet the latest thermal insulation requirements (Uw from 0.90)
  • Genesis system incorporates modern insulation materials that have just been launched onto the market; apart from a conventional central gasket, an additional thermal gasket has been developed as well; with this solution, it is possible to achieve excellent tightness of windows (air infiltration, water-tightness) as well as innovative appearance and aesthetics
  • The system will allow the customer to select various finish options for profiles so that the window structure can be customized (renovation profiles)
  • System options available: Genesis OUT (outward opening windows)
  • Wide range of colors – RAL palette, texture colors, Aliplast Wood Color Effect (wood-like colors), anodized color or bi-color

Haven’t found what you’re looking for? Our offer includes all Aliplast building systems. Our specialists will help you choose the best solution.

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